As teens take 고소득알바 part-time jobs, they learn how competent they are, which, in turn, builds confidence and self-reliance. This kind of part-time work helps teens who are going into education learn to work with children, particularly if they are helping out with homework and scheduling activities. A part-time job also provides more autonomy, which allows teens to slowly step out of the parent-supervised environment, which helps to prepare them for adulthood.
If nothing else, part-time jobs provide valuable work experience for your teens that they can include in future job applications. If your teen is able to work with others with little conflict or complaints, he may be ready to take a part-time job. In most cases, many teens are able to manage their own hours, and parents generally provide good compensation, particularly if your teen has first-aid and CPR certification.
One of the biggest downsides to having teens have jobs is work can clash with after-school activities. Other teens might choose not to have work because their schedules are already packed with after-school activities and extended hours studying. While working outside the home seems to be the tradition that is honored during recess, in fact, the number of teens working has been declining over the past few years.
Employment becomes more common–and time-consuming–in the later years of high school, when many teens are working 20 hours a week or more. Spending teens time off from school or summers working means teens may be unable to engage in educationally related activities, such as internships or volunteering. During summer months, many are now choosing to do unpaid internships or volunteer work that helps strengthen their college application.2 Still others are not taking time off from school in summer.
Summer employment is a great alternative, since it does not disrupt schoolwork and provides teens with constructive use of their time off. Summer employment allows teens to reap all of the benefits of work, without overtaxing their busier school schedules. Work gives teens valuable job experience, which always looks good on a resume; it also helps with networking, perhaps providing helpful connections for future jobs.
There are arguments for and against having teens get jobs, particularly when the work happens over the course of the school year. Despite fewer teens entering the workforce and more focus on education, gaining work experience as a teen has benefits. Students can gain a lot of life skills from working, and if teens are overlooked for employment opportunities, they may be missing out on a lot of benefits.
Research has found that the majority of jobs held by middle-schoolers teach no skills that could result in any type of professional growth. Many students feel there is a benefit in being employed, but working while studying has its downsides. Working while studying has its benefits, but if you find that the downsides outweigh the pros, you should consider discussing hours with a supervisor or looking for another side gig.
Taking on part-time jobs while in high school may seem like a smart move, but parents of teens need to weigh the benefits against potential drawbacks (such as taking time away from schoolwork and extracurricular activities) to decide whether working is the right option. This lack of interest in working for hire among teens is a shame, as a part-time job teaches working ethics and soft skills at a young age. Finding–and keeping–a job also teaches teens tons of skills, helping them build good work habits early in life.
When teens do decide to get a job, being employed teaches responsibility and good work habits, increases time management and organization skills, and helps them save money. A job may help teens better develop their identities, gain greater autonomy, make new achievements, build job skills, and grow more independent of parents. Although adolescents typically transition into jobs that require more training and carry greater responsibilities as they progress in high school, young people who wish to enter the workforce should be encouraged to look for learning opportunities and other experiences that help them explore their emerging career interests and abilities.
Whether a high school student continues on to higher education or transitions directly to the workforce, obtaining employment throughout high school can prepare them for a lifelong sense of fiscal responsibility and an ability to budget and manage money. The short answer is that, yes, every teenager can benefit from having a job in high school, or as soon as he or she is legally allowed.
The cost of college is getting increasingly expensive each year, which is why so many teens are forced to take on jobs in order to help their parents bear the load. On the other side of the debate, some educators lament the fact that working teens are spending too many hours at work; they might arrive at school tired, they may not have time to meet with teachers after school for extra help, and they may shun after-school activities (Bills, Helms, & Ozcan, 1995).
Working as a teenager provides an opportunity to build positive relationships with adults in the labor force, which may be reference points for future employment.4 Learning to arrive at work on time and managing relationships with coworkers are both critical personal skills that will benefit teens in any future job. Jobs can teach teens lifelong job skills, such as how to complete an application, how to interview well, how to work responsibly and work with co-workers and supervisors, and they can help build great customer service skills. An after-school job also provides adult supervision, particularly if it involves working longer hours than those of a typical school day.